Lindy Hop!

The grandfather of all swing dancing! (for further explanation, see:)

I tried it out…and was fairly impressed. It is definitely harder, in my opinion, than the basic East Coast Swing. But hard is not necessarily bad…

Lindy Hop basics –> check out this pic!

Aerial! –> here’s another pic…this one is pretty cool!

All in all, I had a blast! This swing dancing (and lindy hop) thing is addicting!

For those of you wondering whether or not this is for you, you can only know if you try it out for yourself!

But I would definitely recommend it!! If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I know of a great way to get fun, easy beginner lessons.

Have fun…

jazz hands

One thought on “Lindy Hop!

  1. This dance is definitely a lot of fun. I started this past July and caught the bug. If your really interested in going to dances and learning how to actually dance I also know places.


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